Willing Web - 91374-beyonder



Beyonder is something special. It’s that place beyond the mundane; the space where the magic really happens.

At Beyonder we’re passionate about the beautiful Bay of Plenty and going above and beyond to provide experiences that enhance lives, refuel souls and leave you with a new mindset.

The Bay of Plenty is our home and we’ve woven the best of it into the very fabric of Beyonder and everything we stand for.

Our boutique business is much more than a booking platform or a holiday home management service, it’s a new way to getaway.

At Beyonder we handpick our holiday homes, care for the properties ourselves, and collaborate with local likeminded artisans. Alongside this our thoughtful touches and sustainable eco-friendly essentials help to set the scene for unique slow living experiences.

Whether you come to rest, unwind, explore or play in the Bay, Beyonder has curated the very best of this beautiful region. That means you can slow down, relax, and enjoy the ease of holidaying while we look after you and our planet.

Platform: Wordpress
Location: Bay of Plenty, New Zealand
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